

A harmonized meta-knowledgebase of clinical interpretations of cancer genomic variants

We developed a framework for aggregating and harmonizing variant interpretations to produce a meta-knowledgebase of 12,856 aggregate interpretations covering 3,437 unique variants in 415 genes... We have developed and hosted a public web interface for exploring the VICC meta-knowledgebase, freely available online at This interface accesses an ElasticSearch index for the most recent (and continually updated) data of the VICC harmonized knowledgebase.

Graph Databases

Exploring Integrative Analysis using the BioMedical Evidence Graph

The analysis of cancer biology data involves extremely heterogeneous datasets including information. Bringing these different resources into a common framework, with a data model that allows for complex relationships as well as dense vectors of features, will unlock integrative analysis. We introduce a graph database and query engine for discovery and analysis of cancer biology, called the BioMedical Evidence Graph (BMEG).
